Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vidiomas 2013

Academic Dishonesty Bad Decisions Beauty Liars
Bloody Night A Breakup Guide Brutal Race
Bullying Ain't Ruling Ce Corps N'est Pas Mien The Choice
Cookie's School Tips *** The Corner of Marigaby Dancing and Singing for a Dream
Dark Dreams Destiny Race Don't Mess with Nerds
Dori the Movie Runner Fairytale: We Want an Honest World Famille Peluche
A Family of Five A Family Out of Common The Family Slim
Fashion Police M & S Foot Fresh off the Vines
Friends or Love Gangster Style The Greatest Movie Ever
Guadalupe's Rose *** Hangover Hangover and the Value of Friendship
High TEC Musical I Dreamed a Dream (J'ai rêvé un rêve)      I'm Getting Married
It Girl Tuxtla ITEC Kidnapped
The Killer km 102 The Last Summer
The Last Survivors Life Is Worth It Little Things
Make It Happen Mexico's Got Talent Music Interviews
My Last Wish Night of the Living TEC Pas Très Bonne Chance
Perfect Strangers (Les Parfaits Etrangers)      The Revenge Ring Ring You're Steal
Sans Bonne Chance Sudden Change The Sunshine
Superheroes to the Rescue The TEC Factor TEC Springs (Cars)
*** Teen Time Tell Me the Answer Three Men in Love
Thunder TEC The Voice TEC WHAT
LATE ENTRIES: Surviving in the Jungle Still Around Us

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Four by Four

Express your ideas and opinions on a variety of topics. Choose any four of the following (unconnected) topics and blog four sentence paragraphs on each. Then make a point to comment on four of your classmates.

Family     PersonalitySports
SchoolVacationsHealth and diet
TimeTown and cities     Movies

GENERALLY SPEAKING... (variation on above)Start with a statement, "Generally speaking,..." Give three reasons (complete sentences) to back up your statement, so you have four-sentence paragraphs. Repeat three times and blog. Then, comment on four peers and agree or disagree.

Describing a Personal Experience

Write about a small or great kindness that happened in your life. Write 200-300 words. Use the paragraph plan below to help you.
Paragraph 1: Set the scene for the story. Remember to grab the reader’s attention at the beginning. Describe the surroundings or the situation, but don’t give them all the facts at once.
Paragraphs 2-3: Describe what happened. What were you doing? Were you alone? Why did you need help? How did you feel? Whom did you meet? How did they help you?
Paragraph 4: What happened in the end? Did you learn anything from the experience?

Don't forget to include structures that add emphasis, such as cleft sentences, negative inversion, and perhaps an emphatic did, and do your best as this piece should be included in your portfolio.

Arguing Your Case - For and Against

Write an introduction, the pros, the cons, and your conclusion (about 250 words) on one of the following topics:
  • The cell phone
  • Traveling the world in your 20s
  • Adult children living at home
Brainstorm first in Word or on paper. Then, post to your blog. This essay is for your portfolio.

The plusses of my topic are...          
Then there's...
Finally, ...
The minuses of my topic are
Above all, ...
But there is also...
Then again...
In conclusion, ...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Looking for Words of Wisdom

Why and when did they say what they said? Are their words still relevant today? What do they mean, if anything, in your own life? Blog it, please.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where Are Those Blogs?

While most of the students have set up blogs here on Blogger, there are still quite a few that are hiding from view. I wonder what they are blogging...hmmm. All blogs should appear in the list -->
with most recent postings up on top. So, if you don't have a blog, please create one, and if you already have one, but it has been several weeks since you've posted, please write something.
Thank you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Where Are Those Videos?

We're down to the wire, and I've seen very few videos for Vidiomas. Less homework than before. What's happening here?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oy, What a Quiz!

It was a quiz about Future Forms and it turned out badly. What are we going to do about it? Maybe if everyone visited their friends' blogs and left comments, we could raise a few points.
Tell me what you're thinking.

Oy, What a Quiz

It was a quiz about Future Forms and it turned out badly. What are we going to do about it? Maybe if everyone visited their friends' blogs and left comments, we could raise a few points.
Tell me what you're thinking.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Portfolio Development Process

In the second lesson of her course, Dr Barrett discusses and supplements through various resources her concept of the two faces of electronic portfolios wherein she asks is it a workspace for students to process their work throughout the semester; is it a showcase, that is, a product to be built perhaps at the end to be assessed and graded, or is it both? It is, and there are three development levels evident in its implementation. During its process stage it is a “case” for storage or a digital archive, and there is a suggestion that no work, or even the attempts made toward producing assignments should be lost. The electronic portfolio can provide the workspace where everything is saved toward the goal of achieving best examples. It is a reflective journal, which may take the form of a blog, so students look over their various attempts and remark on what they have learned at each stage of their development, and of course, it is a presentation in the traditional sense of how we perceive what a portfolio is, and this may be displayed on a structured website, being that this is the electronic age, where we have so much technology available, many young people are adept at handling same, and there is no longer any need to archive and transport stacks of paper documents as examples of their abilities and achievements. In fact, today there exists the possibility of carrying around representations of ourselves in our pockets on cell phones, small tablets, and the like.
One of the facets of teaching in the modern classroom that heretofore has seemed an insurmountable problem has been the overuse of personal gadgets, which until now have “gotten in the way” of teaching, if an instructor sees his or her job only in the traditional way of, say, spouting grammar rules and expecting students to listen attentively, learn and remember, and then be assessed in some standardized way. This just isn’t possible anymore. The technology is here to stay, and with Fulanita checking with friends about an assignment due in the next hour’s class, or the weekend’s activities, or worse, playing some hand/eye coordination game that ostensibly has nothing to do with the task of the moment, it is frustrating to the teacher who sees it as a distraction. What if, however, the lesson were conducted through the said gadget, and the student were motivated by the idea that every task being done was becoming part of her personal portfolio?
One of the ways, among many possibilities, that students can express themselves, in a mode they often feel motivated to do, is through the telling of stories. These give them the opportunity to write about personal issues, emotions, and problems they are having difficulties in resolving through non-creative channels. I have been assigning writing tasks for several years, with and without formulae and/or templates, but mostly as work to be done outside class. These have always been meant to become a part of students’ portfolios, and have been uploaded to a social networking blog. Unfortunately, without guidance, that is about where I have left them. In recent semesters, students have been instructed to produce presentation portfolios, using Powerpoint, of which, it is hoped, they maintain a copy along with what they present for a grade, but I can see now this is only the end product half of the concept, and there has been little motivation to put an enthusiastic effort into these presentations. Most do not see this as something they may have use for later in life, and thus are doing the work merely to obtain a grade. I feel the onus is on me as the instructor to motivate students to produce permanent records of their learning for purposes they may not yet see. I hope I am up to the task, and that I come out of the course equipped to be more effective at my job.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Teachers' Day

Today is Teachers' Day, and I'm giving myself a gift. This new blog. It has nothing to do with all the other blogs I maintain, nor my Tweets and Tumblr posts, nor Facebook--yet. This is to focus on developing my awareness of ePortfolios--how to produce them, and how to instill the motivation for English students here at the Tec to produce them. Have started on the process by reading and watching a lot of imparted information, and will work under the tutelage of Dr Helen Barrett, an expert in the field. Have noted, also, there are several other Tec teachers going through this with me, and that gives me a comfortable feeling.
I'm not a neophyte to all the technology, but there is so much to learn and changes occur so fast, that it sometimes feels as though one were drifting behind a blur of knowledge. Knew there was a plethora of resources for keeping notes and making journal entries electronically, but now I hope to discover what works best, and how to combine resources to make the keeping of a portfolio easy and fun, to have those who will be doing it see the differences between process and product and take pleasure in both.
Have been made aware of Simon Sinek's Golden Circle and The Power of Why, and though these concepts appear fairly obvious, I'm looking at these principles from a refreshed point of view. It's just a chore to do something if it's done without enjoyment. Can see the similarities between electronic portfolios and social networking in that both comprise the sharing of life moments and images and sensations, but the big difference seems to be that networking on something like Facebook is without the purpose of another venue such as LinkedIn, whereas portfolios are a testament (lifelong, hopefully) to the process of one's learning. It was mentioned that getting a job won't be the same in future and that is already a changing thing. People will not be selling out and attaching themselves to some company in a nameless, faceless way, but rather they will be adding to their self image and they will be the product advertising themselves and their capabilities, and perhaps be sought after rather than seeking.
In short, portfolios have always been a valuable tool to help one make it into the marketplace, but now with the technology at hand, and the ability to carry all one's information around in their pocket, it is easier than ever, and providentially more efficient. And it's out there; it's not like writing one's memoirs in some dusty back room.